Saturday, April 23, 2011

'God and Dog' , the song by Wendy Francisco

At the beginning of the process of making my new CD, there was one song I knew I wanted to include. It wasn't one of my own, however. The song was brought to my attention by my friend Christa Wilde. She sent me the link to a song called 'God and Dog' by Wendy Francisco.

When I heard it my heart just went BOOM! If you're not a dog lover, then it won't resonate with you, but it hit me hard. So when I started putting songs together for the CD, I contacted Wendy and asked for permission to record the song. (

She granted me that permission, so one of the first songs I recorded early this year was 'God and Dog', a simple guitar and vocal done live. I didn't want to add anything to it because the song is so simple and pure. Little did I know when I recorded it that I would soon be facing the loss of my own beautiful little dog, Whimsey.

Whimsey passed away this morning in our arms after a sudden worsening of heart and kidney problems. She would have been 15 in August. I think now that it was a miracle I recorded 'God and Dog' before today as I certainly would not have been able to do it now.

And so the new CD will be dedicated to our darling girl. Good-bye my Whimsey...until we meet again, I hope!

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