Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Some updates for 2015

This has been a busy year so far!

As some of you know, I sing regularly at Open Mic Thursday nights at Mariposa Café in Notre-Dame-des-Graces, a suburb of Montreal. This is a great venue with lots of talented folks showing up each week, and it's a great catalyst for song-writing. Since January, I've probably written about 6 songs that I feel stand up pretty well to scrutiny.

I also started a Facebook group called "Songwriting Discussion Group" with the intention of organizing some get-togethers with other local songwriters to workshop our songs and discuss the art of song-writing in general. The group has over 40 members, most of whom are residents of Montreal and Toronto, my two stomping grounds. The discussions have been interesting and lively at times. If you'd like to join the group, FB message me.

I finally bought myself an electric guitar. "He" is a Godin Empire, with a vintage sunburst finish. I really like the feel of this guitar, and the simplicity of it. Volume and Gain and that's it. I also ordered myself a Roland CUBE Street amplifier that is set up to take a microphone and an instrument, or two mics or two instruments, depending on your needs. The sound is surprisingly loud and clean, and there are lots of effects. It also operates on 6 AA batteries for up to 15 hours continuously should I get an outdoor gig somewhere this summer. (Wishful thinking!)

Again, as many of you know, I often sing with France Lepitre, a wonderful singer, pianist and percussion player. We had been trying for a while to come up with a good name for ourselves, and finally came up with DÉJÀ TWO. Our first performance under that name was on Saturday, April 18 at the Mariposa Café. We did 3 sets, and between our sets we invited our friend Jean-François d'Entremont to entertain. A good time was had by all, and I have a few photos of the event.


Saturday May 16, with Meg Tennant, at THE MAD BEAN COFFEE HOUSE on Eglinton Avenue in Toronto. We'll be playing without a sound system in this tiny venue from 2 pm to 4 pm.

Monday May 18 and Sunday June 7,  France and I will be doing two country songs as part of a fundraiser for a couple of churches in the Knowlton, QC area. First performance is at Creek United Church on Brill Road in West Bolton at 3 pm, Monday May 18. Second is at the Knowlton United Church on Knowlton Road at 3 pm on Sunday, June 7.

Saturday, June 6, DÉJÀ TWO will be doing a full evening of songs at the RENDEZ VOUS CAFE in Cowansville, QC. This great little restaurant is just opposite the Princess Theatre on rue Principale. Our first set starts at 7 pm and we'll do two more, one at 8 and one at 9. Come and have a meal and enjoy the music!

Saturday, June 20, I'll be participating in a fundraiser for Breast Cancer research at the MARIPOSA CAFE in NDG. There will be performances by women all day long, and I don't know what time I'll be on yet, but will let you know when I know.

Monday, September 7, DÉJÀ TWO will be performing a one-hour set at NOON on the outdoor stage at BROME COUNTY AGRICULTURAL FAIR in Brome, QC. We're tailoring our set for a country feel, and are of course hoping for good weather! If you've never been to this fair, it's an amazing throw-back to the old days, with judging of baked goods, and vegetables, with barns filled with livestock and incredible shows with the big work horses that shouldn't be missed, and of course there's a midway with spinning rides and candy floss and games of toss-the-ball-at-the-milk-bottles-for-a-stuffed-toy, and bingo and more! Come on down!

Saturday, September 10, I'll be doing an opening set at THE ACOUSTIC VILLAGE in Knowlton. The featured set that night is the dynamic Orit Shimoni, a touring song-writing with some amazing original songs in her repertoire. I met Orit in March when she did an opening set at Acoustic Village and we hit if off, so I look forward to helping warm up the audience for her in September.

December 12, DÉJÀ TWO will be doing an opening set at THE ACOUSTIC VILLAGE in Knowlton. We'll no doubt throw in a couple of seasonal songs for the holidays. The feature that night is John Petronko, a blues aficionado with a laid-back demeanour, from Danville, QC.

That's it for now!
Hope to see you at one of these shows..

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