Wednesday, March 26, 2014

New review of "Life Stories"

Julia Rohan:  Life Stories by Julie Miller, CFLX-FM 95.5

There is something about the songs on Julia Rohan’s CD, “Life Stories”, that calls to mind the gently rolling hills and distinct seasons and colours of the Eastern Townships area of Quebec, where she is based.  She makes her way calmly through a series of original songs, the melodies setting a pace that acts as a balm in these hurried times we live in. Like the landscape of the Townships and the towns and villages that dot the map, each song is distinct in its own way, but flows easily and naturally from one to the other.  Her lyrics, backed up by stripped down and tuneful accompaniments, give voice to the many ways we find ourselves vulnerable in relationships, but Rohan is able to reveal vulnerability for what it really is:  bittersweet strength.  This is best reflected in the songs “Enough”, “Angels in Her Pockets”, “Better” and the album opener, “In Love”.  She communicates a sense of how we are all connected to each other in other tracks, such as “There”, which is marked by a haunting penny whistle solo in the middle.  There are a couple of beautiful songs where her love of nature comes through—such as “Beautiful Dream” and “Silent Night Starry Night”.  Shading each song with inflections of folk, country, swing and blues, the album is solid and includes some really catchy tunes; a must-listen for commuters on their way to work, or for those who hearken to days when they can kick off their shoes, sit out on the porch, and watch the sun set slowly over the horizon.

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