Thursday, January 27, 2011

January 27, 2011 - Started vocal tracks!

I'm very excited. Yesterday I spent two-plus hours in the studio with John Cameron and in just a short time managed to do the melody vocal tracks for 8 songs! There are 8 more to go, and I'm writing 2 more songs now. We'll see which ones make it to the final CD.

When we were done, John mixed them down quickly and burned them to a CD so when I left, I could pop it in my car's CD player. All the way home I was working out harmonies for the songs. So much fun! I'm probably going to do some of the harmony tracks myself, but will be inviting friends to add their voices too. I love collaborating with others because it brings in new energy that can add a unique quality to the recording.

I believe I've chosen the first track for the CD. It's called 'Enough' and it's a song I actually wrote in 2007. It's going to be bare-bones...just one voice and guitar.

John is doing an amazing job with the sound. He's letting me use a microphone that dates back to 1974. It lends a wonderful warm quality to my voice. Then he adds a little reverb, but not too much. He's even offered to play bass, so he's going to try working on one song this week and we'll see how it goes. A really multi-talented guy!

Keep watching this space for more news!

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