Wednesday, November 24, 2010

November, 2010 - In the studio once again

In 2003 I recorded my first collection of songs to a CD format. This album, entitled "Love and Fear" was very nicely received. I created a myspace page and began marketing the CD using, a wonderfully helpful and efficient site that is very fair to artists. Unfortunately my myspace page has been ruined by over-commercialization so I'm no longer using it and will use this blog, which I control, instead.

A few years ago, CD Baby re-formatted my songs on their site so that they could be sold as MP3 files online like iTunes. This was an amazing development for me, since I wouldn't have had a clue how to do this on my own.

Now, in 2010, I've managed to collect enough songs I care for to record again. The working title of this album is 'C major, Ursa minor'.

I'm working with John Cameron in his home studio in Knowlton, Quebec. I love the casual atmosphere, and appreciate the sound-proof room and hard-working heater! If you would like to be informed of progress on the recording, just sign up as a follower of this blog.

Thanks for your support!